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 Acupuncture Usage - Additional Books in English: Current Bibliographies in Medicine: Acupuncture Usage - Additional Books in English 
National Institutes of Health ©

Academy of Parapsychology and Medicine. The dimensions of healing: a symposium; 1972 Sep 30-Oct 3; Stanford University [and] 1972 Oct 5-8; University of California at Los Angeles. Los Altos (CA): The Academy; [c1972]. 172 p.

Academy of Parapsychology and Medicine. Transcript of the Acupuncture Symposium; a printed transcription of presentations; 1972 Jun 17; Stanford University, Stanford, CA. Los Altos (CA): The Academy; [c1972]. 96 p.

American Academy of Acupuncture Medicine. Proceedings of the 1st International Congress on the Scientific Study and Research of Acupuncture and Auricular Medicine; 1978 Mar; Grenada, West Indies. [Stittsville? (Ontario, Canada)]: The Academy; 1980. 38 p. (The American Academy of Acupuncture Medicine; vol. 1, no. 1).

Baldry PE. Acupuncture, trigger points, and musculoskeletal pain: a scientific approach to acupuncture for use by doctors and physiotherapists in the diagnosis and management of myofascial trigger point pain. 2nd ed. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone; 1993. 347 p.

Beijing College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, et al. Essentials of Chinese acupuncture. 1st ed. Beijing: Foreign Language Press; 1980. 432 p.

Beinfeld H, Korngold E. Between heaven and earth: a guide to Chinese medicine. 1st ed. New York: Ballantine Books; 1991. 432 p.

Bensoussan A. The vital meridian: a modern exploration of acupuncture. Melbourne: Churchill Livingstone; 1991. 137 p.

Bensoussan A, Meyers SP. Towards a safer choice: the practice of traditional Chinese medicine in Australia. Campbelltown (NSW, Australia): University of Western Sydney Macarthur, Faculty of Health; c1996 . 475 p.

Binswanger CI. Multi-language lexicon of acupuncture point names. Longmead (Shaftesbury, Dorset, England): Element Books; c1985. 131 p.

Birch S, Hammerschlag R. Acupuncture efficacy: a compendium of controlled clinical trials. Tarrytown (NY): National Academy of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine; 1996.

Cantoni G, Pontigny JA. Recherche scientifique francaise et acupuncture. Sainte-Ruffine (France): Maisonneuve; c1989. 276 p. (Fre).

Cargill M. Acupuncture: a viable medical alternative. Westport (CT): Praeger; 1994. 176 p.

Ch'en Y, Liangyue D, editors. Essentials of contemporary Chinese acupunturists' clinical experiences. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press; c1989. 639 p.

Chaitow L. The acupuncture treatment of pain. 2nd ed., rev. and expanded. Wellingborough (Northamptonshire, England): Thorsons Publishers; 1983. 188 p.

Chang HT. Acupuncture, analgesia and brain. From a conference held June 10, 1980. Brussels: Editions de lÚniversite de Bruxelles; c1981. 31 p.

Chang T, compiler. Acupuncture cases from China: a digest of difficult and complicated case histories. 1st English ed. Kivity O, editor. New York: Churchill Livingstone; 1994. 333 p.

Chao H, editor. Atlas collection of acupuncture and massage = Chung-kuo chen chiu t'ui na t'u p'u ta ch'uan. 1st ed. Beijing: Beijing Science & Technology Press; 1996. 153 p.

Chen E. Cross-sectional anatomy of acupoints. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone; 1994.

Chen JY. Acupuncture anesthesia in the People's Republic of China, 1973. [Bethesda (MD)]: National Institutes of Health; [1975]. 105 p. (DHEW publication; no. (NIH) 75-769).

Chinese medicine and acupuncture. Proceedings of the WFAS Seminar on Acupuncture Anesthesia and Analgesic Mechanism of Acupuncture; 1988; Toronto, Canada, and the 2nd International Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Academic Convention of Canada; 1988; Toronto, Canada. London (Canada): Third Eye; 1989. 439 p. Sponsored by the World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies and the Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Association of Canada.

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