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 Acupuncture Usage - Additional Books in English: Current Bibliographies in Medicine: Acupuncture Usage - Additional Books in English 
National Institutes of Health ©

Chou C, Jin HD. Clinical manual of Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture. New York: Churchill Livingstone; 1997. 585 p.

Connelly DM. Traditional acupuncture: the law of the five elements. 2nd ed. Columbia (MD): Traditional Acupuncture Institute; 1994. 177 p.

The Cooperative Group of Shandong Medical College and Shandong College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Anatomical atlas of Chinese acupuncture points. Elmsford (NY): Pergamon Press; 1982. 265 p.

Dale RA. Macro-acupuncture manual. Surfside (FL): Dialectic Press; [c1974]. 49 p.

Dale RA, Cheng Y. Dictionary of acupuncture: terms, concepts, and points = Chen chiu hsueh tz'u tien: shu yu, kai nien, hsueh wei. North Miami Beach (FL): Dialectic Pub.; 1993. 431 p.

Ellis A, Wiseman N, Boss K. Fundamentals of Chinese acupuncture. Rev. ed. Brookline (MA): Paradigm Publications; 1991. 484 p.

Ellis N. Acupuncture in clinical practice: a guide for health professionals. 1st ed. New York: Chapman & Hall; 1994. 312 p.

Flaws B. Sticking to the point: a rational methodology for the step by step formulation & administration of an acupuncture treatment. 1st ed. Boulder (CO): Blue Poppy Press; 1989. 158 p.

Hammer LI. Dragon rises, red bird flies. Barrytown (NY): Station Hill Press; 1990.

Helms JM. Acupuncture energetics: a clinical approach for physicians. 1st ed. Berkeley (CA): Medical Acupuncture Publishers; c1995. 759 p. Accompanied by: 1 computer disk (3 1/2 in.). System requirements: Windows on a 386 or 486 computer with 4 mb of RAM and at least 5 mb of free disk space.

Hoizey D, Hoizey MJ. A history of Chinese medicine. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press; 1988.

Hopwood V, Lovesey M, Mokone S. Acupuncture and related techniques in physical therapy. New York: Churchill Livingstone; 1997. 228 p.

International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine. Subtle energies and energy medicine: emerging theory and practice: combined program and conference proceedings. 1st Annual Conference of the International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine; 1991 Jun 21-25; Boulder, CO. [Boulder (CO)]: The Society; [1991]. 107 p.

Janssens LA. Acupuncture points and meridians in the dog. Chester Springs (PA).: International Veterinary Acupuncture Society; [c1984]. [7] folded leaves of plates.

Jenerick HP, editor. Proceedings. NIH Acupuncture Research Conference; 1973; Bethesda, MD. [Bethesda (MD)]: National Institute of General Medical Sciences; [1974]. 145 p. (DHEW publication; no. (NIH) 74-165).

Kaptchuk TJ. The web that has no weaver: understanding Chinese medicine. New York: Congdon & Weed; 1983.

Kenyon JN. Modern techniques of acupuncture: a practical scientific guide to electro-acupuncture. New York: Thorsons Publishers; 1983.

Lade A. Acupuncture points: images & functions. Seattle (WA): Eastland Press; c1989. 363 p.

Lerner M. Choices in healing. Cambridge (MA): MIT Press; 1994.

Lewith GT. Acupuncture, its place in western medical science. Wellingborough (Northamptonshire, England): Thorsons; 1982. 127 p.

Lewith GT. The acupuncture treatment of internal disease: an introduction to the use of traditional Chinese acupuncture in the treatment of some common internal diseases. New York: Thorsons; 1985. 160 p.

Lewith GT, Lewith NR. Modern Chinese acupuncture. 2nd ed., rev. and reset. New York: Thorsons Publishers; 1983. 144 p.

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