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 Qigong and Taiji: Bibliography on Cancer 
1. Zhao, Shan; Mao, Xiaoyn; Zhao, Bangzhu; Li, Zhaohui; Zhou, Deohung. Guiyang College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Guizhou Province, China [1]. Preliminary observation of the inhibitory effect of emitted qi on transplanted tumors in mice. 1st World Conf for Acad Exch of Medical Qigong. Beijing, China. 46E; 1988.

2. Xu, Hefen 1.; Wang, Guomin 1.; Xue, Huingihng 1.; Zhanbg, Chengming 1.; Wang, Junmei 2.; Qi, Yueqin 2. Jiangsu Provincial Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Jaingsu Province, China [1] //Jiangsu Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Jaingsu Province, China [2]. Observation of T-lymphocytes by anae staining in the clinical application of qigong. 1st World Conf for Acad Exch of Medical Qigong. Beijing, China. 52E; 1988.

3. Sun, Silu; Tao, Chun. Weifang Medical College, Shandong Province, China [1]. Biological effect of emitted qi with tradescantic paludosa micronuclear technique. 1st World Conf for Acad Exch of Medical Qigong. Beijing, China. 61E; 1988.

4. Lee Everlyn, Fung. National Taiwan University, Taiwan, China [1]. Treatment effect and tentative working theories of autonomous qigong exercise. 1st World Conf for Acad Exch of Medical Qigong. Beijing, China. 74E; 1988.

5. Lin, Houshen. Shanghai Qigong Institute, Shanghai, China [1]. Clinical and laboratory study of the effect of qigong anaesthesia on thyroidectomy. 1st World Conf for Acad Exch of Medical Qigong. Beijing, China. 84E; 1988.

6. Sun, Quizhi; Zhao, Li. Kuangan Men Hospital, China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing, China [1]. Clinical observation of qigong as a theraputic aid for advanced cancer patients. 1st World Conf for Acad Exch of Medical Qigong. Beijing, China. 97E; 1988.

7. Wang, Junmei. Teaching Hospital of Nanjing College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Nanjing, China [1]. On the anti tumor mechanism of qigong. 1st World Conf for Acad Exch of Medical Qigong. Beijing, China. 121E; 1988.

8. Luo, Sen; Tong, Tainmin [and others]. Zhejing Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hangzhou Qigong Hospital, Hangzhou, China [1]. Effects of vital gate qigong on malignant tumor. 1st World Conf for Acad Exch of Medical Qigong. Beijing, China. 126E; 1988.

9. Wong, Chungsiu. Dawn Valley Qigong Health Center, USA [1]. New qigong, an essential tool in healing and prevention of cancer. 1st World Conf for Acad Exch of Medical Qigong. Beijing, China. 149E; 1988.

10. Song, Tainbin. Beijing College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing, China [1]. Exploration of the traditional Neidan method. 1st World Conf for Acad Exch of Medical Qigong. Beijing, China. 204E; 1988.

11. Chu, Weizhong 1.; Jiang, Donglian 2. Shanghai Qigong Institute, China [1] //Shanghai Cancer Institute, China [2]. The inhibitory effect of qigong music for lung tumor induction in mice. 2nd Int Conf on Qigong. Xian, China. 94E; 1989.

12. Hu, Zonglian; Chen, Huiying; Jiang, Shufang. Cancer Research Center, Nan-Jing Yang-Gong 81 Hospital, China [1]. Observation of Chinese qigong (Lu Ho Kuen outer qi) on inducing terminal granulocytic differentiation of the human promyelocytic leukemia cell line, HL-60. 2nd Int Conf on Qigong. Xian, China. 95E; 1989.

13. Chen, Guoguang. Zhaotong City, Yuannan, China [1]. The curative effect observed for 24 (cancer) cases under my emitted qigong treatment. 2nd Int Conf on Qigong. Xian, China. 141E; 1989.

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