Bellis perennis
Collection:The flowers may be picked between March and October.
Part Used: Fresh or dried flower heads.
- Saponins
- Tannin
- Essential oil
- Flavones
- Bitter principle
- Mucilage.
Actions: Expectorant, astringent.
Indications: Daisy, one of Britains most common plants,
is useful for coughs and catarrh, and for all conditions that manifest in these forms, Daisy may be used freely and safely. It has a reputation of value in arthritis and rheumatism as well as in liver and kidney problems. Due to its astringency itis also useful for diarrhoea.
Combinations: For respiratory catarrh it may be used with Golden Rodor Coltsfoot.
Preparations & Dosage: Infusion: pour a cup of boiling
water onto 1 teaspoonful of the dried herb and leave to infuse for 10 minutes. This should be drunk three or four times a day.
Tincture; take 2-4 ml of the tincture three times a day.