Rubus villosus
Part Used : The bark of the root and rhizome
Collection :
Constituents : 20% Tannin, gallic acid, saponins including villosin.
Actions : Astringent
Indications : An excellent, safe and gentle astringent remedy that can be
used in all situations that call for this action. It may be used indiarrhoea, dysentary and other problems associated with 'loose bowels'. It was traditionally used in Britain externally as wash in a whole range of skin eruptions and burns. It will staunch bleeding and may be used in leucorrhoea.
Ellingwood considered it specific for "diarrhoeas of infancy."
King's Dispensatory describes it thus: These plants
are useful as astringents. An infusion or decoction of the leaves of raspberry or the bark of the roots of the other two (species of Rubus), has been found an excellent remedy in diarrhoea, dysentery (chronic), cholerainfantum, relaxed conditions of the intestines of children, passivehaemorrhage from the stomach, bowels or uterus and in coliquative diarrhea. The decoction, used as an injection, is useful in gonorrhea, gleet, leucorrhoea
and prolapsus uteri and ani. In prolapsus uteri, it may be used wither alone or combined with the internal use of a decoction of equal parts of Black Cohosh and Blackberry roots, taken freely. Rubus villosus is especially adapted to children's diarrhea's, the stools being copious, watery and clay-colored. Such children are pale, fretful, without appetite, there is deficient glandular activity and the gastro-intestinal tract shows evidence
of enfeeblement and relaxation. The leaves of Raspberry in decoction with cream, will allay nausea and vomiting and combined with aromatics, have been found useful in diarrhea, cholera morbus, and cholera infantum. It is said that raspberry will during labor, increase the activity of the uterine contractions when these are feeble, even in instances where ergot has failed and that it has been found serviceable in after-pains. The fruit, especially
that of the blackberry, makes an excellent syrup, which is of much service in dysentery, being pleasant to the taste, mitigating the accompanying tenesmus and sufferings of the patient, and ultimately effecting a cure. The fruit of the raspberry contains very little nourishment, but is an agreeable acidulous article, rarely disturbing the stomach and when eaten freely, promotes the action of the bowels. Raspberry syrup, added to water, forms a
refreshing and beneficial beverage for fever patients and during convalescence. The jelly or jam may likewise be used in similar cases; that of the blackberry being more astringent, is better adapted to cases of diarrhea, dysentery and cholerainfantum. Dose of the decoction of these plants, from 1 to 4 fluid ounces, several times a day; of the pulverized root-bark, 20 to 30 grains. Specific Indications and Uses : Gastro-intestinal atony with copious,
water and palealvine discharges.
Dosage : 1-2 g of the bark in a decoction three times a day. 2-5ml of tincture 3 times a day