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 HHS Awards $16.2 Million for Methamphetamine Abuse Treatment 
by Healthy News - 8/18/2005

The Webb County (Laredo) Expand Access to Substance Abuse Treatment in Rural Areas Project -- $500,000 per year for each of three years to provide South Texas with capacity expansion and long-term sustaining structure development to assist Webb County and surrounding counties in meeting the community's methamphetamine abuse needs. The project plans to expand current services or purchase contract rate detoxification, residential and outpatient treatment capacity. Their target population is composed primarily of Hispanic adults and their families. The project plan is to serve 28 clients/families for the first year, expanding to 36 per year for years two and three, while providing enhanced case management to 80 clients in the first year and then 120 per year over the course of years two and three. Overall, the program aims to serve 100 clients and provide enhanced case management to 320 clients.

Zapata County Serinidad Border Infrastructure Development Project -- $500,000 per year for each of three years to positively impact the targeted border area by restoring recently lost detoxification and residential services, as well as to strengthen continuing care by establishing rural services based on indigenous, culturally appropriate outreach efforts, case management, and outpatient services. The target population consists of substance-dependent/abusing adult women and men of Mexican descent who are medically indigent and thus cannot afford to pay for treatment services. The project will serve 300 participants, 200 of which will receive detoxification and residential services, and 100 will receive outpatient services over the three year grant period. The project will serve 50 individuals in year one and 125 individuals for each of the two remaining years to reach the total of 300 unduplicated clients. The project will provide services to include improving identification and treatment of individuals abusing emerging drugs such as opiate analgesics, methamphetamine and other prescription drugs.

SAMHSA is a public health agency within the Department of Health and Human Services. The agency is responsible for improving the accountability, capacity and effectiveness of the nation’s substance abuse prevention, addictions, treatment and mental health service delivery system.

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Provided by Healthy News on 8/18/2005
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