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Breathing ?
Which of the following health conditions is not directly benefited by breathing exercises?
High blood pressure

 Anthroposophical Medicine: Creating a Healing Environment Suggestions for Home Care 
Lilipoh ©

Procedure: Put a handful of chamomile in the strainer. Roll the silk wrap from both ends and place it in a bowl. Pour boiling water over the chamomile into the bowl with the wrap. Take the wrap out with a fork and put into the wringing cloth. Wring until no longer dripping.

The patient should sit on the blanket with the wool wrap lying flat on top of it. Apply the chamomile wrap as tolerated, but do not burn. Start at the back and unroll as you move around to the sides. Have the patient lie down on the wool wrap and continue unrolling the hot wrap over belly.

Quickly cover with the wool wrap, then cover the patient with the wool blanket. Be sure that none of the hot wrap is exposed to the air. Leave on for fifteen minutes. At this point you can remove the whole thing or just the wet wrap, leaving the wool wrap on the patient.

(Excerpted from Lilipoh)
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