The Anxiety Center in HealthWorld Online provides information on self-care as well as alternative approaches to prevention and treatment of Anxiety through expert articles from leaders in the fields of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), including Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Osteopathy, Herbal Medicine, Mind-Body Medicine, and Integrative Medicine.
Ayurveda Ray Sahelian MD Chinese Medicine George T. Lewith MA, MRCGP, MRCP Pacific College of Oriental Medicine Conventional Medicine American Institute for Preventive Medicine Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman ND, MSW Herbal medicine Herbs for Health Staff Hyla Cass MD Mark Blumenthal Homeopathy Dana Ullman, MPH Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman ND, MSW Integrative Medicine Barry Bittman MD Daniel Redwood DC Hyla Cass MD Susan M. Lark MD Mind-Body Medicine Martin L. Rossman MD Susan M. Lark MD Nutritional medicine Ray Sahelian MD
There's a Yogi in the Kitchen! Lessons in Curry | To most Westerners, curry or "curried" refers to anything that is made with curry powder. The May "There's a Yogi in the Kitchen" column "Lessons in Curry" teaches us that curry is actually a special dish,... more |
Simply Well Stretch Yourself | One of the simplest and most effective ways to release tension and energize yourself is to take time out for a good stretch. You can stretch in almost any position, and, in fact, a good stretch before you... more |
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