Looking for Speakers?
Save yourself hours of phone calls.
Looking to increase your visibility to Event Planners?
HealthWorld Speaker's Network - A searchable database of experienced speakers who offer programs related to Natural Health, Alternative Therapies, and Integrating Conventional and Complementary Approaches.
Basic Listings provide speaker data regarding topics, types of presentations, travel limits, fee range, and booking contact, plus a link to the speaker's web site, if available.
When you find a speaker who interests you, most Basic Listings are linked to a Speaker Home Page that provides a photo, plus samplings of titles of speaker's standard presentations, major events where s/he has presented, professional activities, education, publications, honors, and other data to allow you to pre-qualify the speaker.
Try a general search--
Pick a Topic, such as Alternative and Complementary Therapies.
Now set up a multiple search using 2 or more parameters, such as Topic- Alternative and Complementary Therapies and Fee Range-$0-2,500.
Helpful hints:
- Start with one searchable parameter, add others if too many speakers appear.
- Fee Range is an indication that fees for a presentation might fall in this range.
- Travel Limits are inclusive. International includes domestic.
- Domestic Only means in speaker's home country, not necessarily yours.
- To find a speaker you have heard of, but are not sure of the name, you can search on partial (few letters) of a last name.
Link to the HealthWorld Speakers Network Home Page
HealthWorld Search - A complete searchable index of HealthWorld Online web site free access content.
Within this Search mode, link to the Healthy.Net Search and select the "key words you wish to find information about." Enter a topic or the name of an individual you might be interested in as a speaker.
Bookstore Search - A searchable database of books available for purchase in the HealthWorld web site Health Marketplace/Bookstore.
Access through the HealthWorld Search mode or the Health Marketplace/Bookstore mode. Link to the Bookstore Search. Enter a topic or the name of an author you might be interested in as a speaker.
Within the Health Marketplace/Bookstore site, you can also link to Subject Category Index. Click on a category and receive a list of books on this topic, and discover authors who might be potential speakers.
Scheduling & Promoting Events?
Global Health Calendar - A searchable database calendar of events covering the full-spectrum of health and well-being -- from allopathic and alternative therapies, medical research and fitness to personal growth and development, and spirituality and self-care.
Before you set the date for your next event - check what is already scheduled. Many have stated the need for a "conflict calendar" to prevent scheduling opposite similar events. Link to the Search Calendar Events of the Global Health Calendar for a strong indication of health-related events. (Caution: this Calendar is very large and takes a while to download). Events are offered in date order. Move to the time period you are considering and scan down the listing of events already scheduled.
If you are only concerned with a specific geographic area or a certain type of event, link to the Search Calendar Events
of the Global Health Calendar. You are offered a number of search parameters, such as Key Topics, Type of Event, or State. All Calendar events meeting the selected parameter will be displayed in an easy to scan listing in date order.
Take advantage of free promotion for your event.
A Free Basic Listing is offered for organization-sponsored events related to some aspect of health and well-being. This Basic Listing includes title and subtitle of event, dates, location,
sponsoring organization's name and phone number, type of event, and choice of two categories or key topics from a menu of over three dozen options. There is no limit to how many appropriate events an organization can list on the Global Health Calendar.
Link to Add New Calendar Listings of the Global Health Calendar, and use the convenient online input form to submit your event's free Basic Listing. The event will be reviewed for format, then activated within 24 hours. It will remain on the Calendar
until three days after the event ends. Note the helpful hints for entering multiple entries that appears after your first event is entered.
Your colleagues without Internet access can receive and submit their event applications via fax or mail.
Want greater visibility for your event?
Global Health Calendar Basic Listings can be expanded for very nominal fees.
Premium Listing ($20/month) supplements the Basic Listing by adding organization's address, fax, and e-mail, plus whether your event offers exhibits and CEUs, up to five lines of text and additionalBold notes and a link to another web site related to the event or the organization.
This is a great way to list outstanding speakers and any unique aspects of the event.
Expanded listings are booked in three month increments, and create a larger presence to give your listing more attention.
For major impact have your event logo as a Featured Event on the Calendar Home Page. This is linked to your Calendar listing.
The ultimate exposure for your event is to have a Banner Ad flashing your event in the heading of a major site within HealthWorld. This Banner promotion can be linked to advertising or web site within HealthWorld Online or your Calendar listing.
HealthWorld Online can create custom event promotional web pages. Many organizations simply modify their mailer brochure for this online advertising.
For total online convenience, HealthWorld Online can set up an online registration form (using secure credit card transactions). A great way to capture the sale as people are responding to your promtional messge.
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