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 Depression: Is it just a vitamin B deficiency? 
by What Doctors Don't Tell You - 11/25/2006
Is depression nothing more than a serious vitamin B deficiency? One UK doctor believes so, and he's been funding vitamin B12 injections for 700 patients out of his own pocket.

Dr Joseph Chandy, from County Durham, says: "It is a forgotten illness. But if you see my patients and how well they are, why would you not do it?"

Well, you wouldn't if you were his local health authority, which had banned him from giving the injections. It has finally lifted the ban because, after many months of deliberation, they've concluded that he's giving his patients only vitamins, they're getting better, and he's paying for it anyway.

Still, it makes you wonder with all those great antidepressants out there.

(Source: Pulse, 9 November 2006).

Provided by What Doctors Don't Tell You on 11/25/2006What Doctors Don't Tell You
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