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What Doctors Don't Tell You © (Volume 11, Issue 6)
A pilot study of autistic children studied the effects of removing gluten from their diet (Autism, 1999; 3: 45-69). In the study, once gluten containing foods were eliminated, a majority of children showed major improvements, particularly in language development, ability to concentrate and sleep patterns. The more severe the autism, the more pronounced the improvement.

Many children underwent an initial worsening of symptoms, which is not unlike the withdrawal 'masking' effects of allergies. This is likely because these children are akin to addicts suffering withdrawal symptoms; the food being removed from their diet produces opioids, which have dependency effects not unlike narcotics.In more than 50 per cent of cases at the Autism Research Unit, children have improved so much on gluten free diets that ordinary GPs have been willing to prescribe gluten free products on the NHS.

If your child has autism and you suspect bowel disorders or a link with the MMR vaccine:

Consider placing him or her on a gluten and dairy free diet (but work with a qualified nutritionist, so that your child doesn't suffer nutritional deficiencies)

Don't bother having him tested for allergies. Since the effects are due to toxicity, not allergies, his reactions to these foods won't show up on an allergy test

Consider keeping a food diary to see when his behaviour worsens. Experiment with withdrawal of certain foods to see if his behaviour improves (remember it will get worse before it gets better)

Feed your child an organic wholefood diet free of pesticides

Remove as many chemicals as you can from his environment. This includes perfumes, chemical cleaning products and toiletries with chemicals

Consider working with a homoeopath to minimise vaccine damage

For more information, contact the Autism Research Unit (School of Sciences, University of Sunderland, Sunderland SR2 7EE) or the Allergy Induced Autism Support Group (telephone 0121 444 6450 or 01733 331 771).

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What Doctors Don't Tell You What Doctors Don’t Tell You is one of the few publications in the world that can justifiably claim to solve people's health problems - and even save lives. Our monthly newsletter gives you the facts you won't......more
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