News Stories - RSS Top News Stories in Alternative Heath and Wellness HealthWorld Online 93 90 Text-Messaging to Emergency Patients May Reduce Their Alcohol Consumption Thu, 15 Dec 2011 17:47:00 EST Text-messaging might be an effective way for health care providers to help young adults reduce heavy drinking, according to a study funded by a research grant by the Emergency Medicine Foundation. The findings will be published in the March 2012 issue of Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research and are now available online. UC Davis study finds that above-normal weight does not necessarily increase the risk of death Wed, 11 Jul 2012 21:52:00 EST An evaluation of national data by UC Davis researchers has found that extra weight is not necessarily linked with a higher risk of death. It Stands to Reason Sitting Less Can Improve Health, Extend Life Mon, 2 Jul 2012 11:11:00 EST There appears to be one common theme in today's hustle and bustle society, people are too busy to squeeze much physical activity into their daily routines. However, millions of Americans have all the time in the world, it seems, to sit. Setting Standards for Wellness Certification and Excellence Sun, 13 May 2012 00:07:00 EST Professional certifications and certificate programs in the area of wellness and health promotion are becoming more numerous and varied in specialization and format. But, how do wellness professionals know which certifications apply to them? Can Yoga Enhance Our Soldiers' Lives? - One Teacher And The Nation's First Military University Think It Holds The Key Tue, 3 Apr 2012 09:27:00 EST They all happened in the US Military's jurisdiction and they all made Americans in general and the military in particular look very bad to the rest of the world. What can anyone do about these bad acts? Maybe nothing, but one yoga teacher is trying something. CDC report finds U.S. population has good levels of some essential vitamins and nutrients Tue, 3 Apr 2012 20:02:00 EST CDC, essential vitamins and nutrients Samueli Institute Funded Research Indicates �Biofield Healing' Reduces Fatigue and Improves Hormonal Functioning in Cancer Survivors Fri, 17 Feb 2012 13:46:00 EST Samueli Institute, a recognized leader in integrative medicine research, has released the results of a blinded, randomized controlled trial (RCT) that finds �biofield healing therapies� reduce fatigue and increase cortisol variability (a biological marker that has been linked to fatigue and depression) in breast cancer survivors. Child abuse and neglect_cost_the_United States $124 billion Wed, 1 Feb 2012 14:22:00 EST The total lifetime estimated financial costs associated with just one year of confirmed cases of child maltreatment (physical abuse, sexual abuse, psychological abuse and neglect) is approximately $124 billion, according to a report released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, published in Child Abuse and Neglect, The International Journal. Music Gives Comfort to Hospital Patients Tue, 27 Dec 2011 14:57:00 EST Barbra Telynor has been playing the Irish harp for 25 years. A self-taught harper, she has worked as a hospital musician for more than 20 years. Telynor moved to Gallup earlier this year and together with Rev. Kris Pikaart, Chaplain at Rehoboth McKinley Christian Health Care Services (RMCHCS), have recently begun a �healing music� program to help in providing comfort to RMCHCS hospital and hospice patients. Six Tips for Choosing a Birthplace Sat, 3 Dec 2011 12:46:00 EST While nearly every movie or sitcom dramatization of childbirth features the obligatory frantic drive to the hospital, a growing number of women are reconsidering the hospital option altogether. Why? Many mothers-to-be are re-evaluating their options and considering birth centers or homebirth. Tips for Eating Healthy on a Budget Mon, 21 Nov 2011 18:10:00 EST According to the United States Department of Agriculture, a realistic low-cost at-home food plan is about $110 per week for a family of two, and $187 per week for a family of four who have kids over six years old. Even with their low-cost figures, some families may wonder in this economy how to make that work, while still striving to eat healthy meals. Toxic Chemicals Need to be Removed from Schools and Daycare Centers Thu, 3 Nov 2011 18:42:00 EST More than 13,000 public health professionals across the country gathered in Washington, DC this week at the American Public Health Association's (APHA) annual public meeting where a major policy resolution, Reducing PVC in Facilities with Vulnerable Populations was passed. Norman R. Farnsworth, Renowned Medicinal Plant Researcher, Dies at 81 Wed, 26 Oct 2011 12:03:00 EST Renowned pharmacognosist and internationally-respected medicinal plant research expert, Norman R. Farnsworth, PhD, died on September 10 at a Chicago hospital. He was 81 and had been in declining health for months, suffering from long-term congestive heart failure and type 2 diabetes. CDC study shows suicidal thoughts and behavior vary among U.S. adults Thu, 20 Oct 2011 09:58:00 EST Every 15 minutes, someone in the United States dies by suicide. And for every person who dies, there are many more who think about, plan or attempt suicide, according to a report released today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Serious thoughts of suicide range from about 1 in 50 adults in Georgia (2.1 percent) to 1 in 15 in Utah (6.8 percent). Massage Therapy Ranks in 50 Best Careers of 2011 Fri, 14 Oct 2011 17:00:00 EST Massage Therapy has made the cut for �The 50 Best Careers of 2011� according to U.S. News and World Report. The 50 professions made the list based on job-growth projections, salary data, and other factors like job satisfaction and quality of life. �Massage Therapist� is a new addition to the rankings, categorized under healthcare. Social media may help identify college drinking problems Sun, 9 Oct 2011 16:03:00 EST College students who post references to getting drunk, blacking out, or other aspects of dangerous drinking on social networking sites are more likely to have clinically significant alcohol problems than students who do not post such references, according to a study supported by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), part of the National Institutes of Health. Women Veteran: You Served -- You Deserve The Best Care Anywhere Thu, 6 Oct 2011 23:09:00 EST Durham, NC - September 30, 2011 -- Women are the fastest growing group among the Veteran population. �The Women Veterans Health Program addresses the health care needs of women Veterans and works to ensure timely, equitable, high-quality, comprehensive health care services are provided in a sensitive and safe environment at VA health facilities nationwide,� said Shenekia Williams-Johnson, Women's Veterans Program Manager. New Affordable Care Act initiative helps create healthier communities, fight chronic disease Wed, 28 Sep 2011 20:53:00 EST The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced today grants to 61 states and communities with over 120 million residents to fight chronic disease, which is the leading cause of death in Americans. Created by the Affordable Care Act, Community Transformation Grants help states and communities tackle the root causes of chronic disease such as smoking, poor diet and lack of physical activity. Organic Farming is Superior to Conventional Agriculture According to 30-Year Comparative Study Fri, 23 Sep 2011 18:31:00 EST Rodale Institute today announces the latest results of the Farming Systems Trial, America's longest running side-by-side comparison of organic and conventional farming practices. Originally created to study the transition from conventional to organic production, this 30-year study also examined productivity, soil quality, energy and economics. Reducing costs, protecting consumers: The Affordable Care Act on the one year anniversary of the Patient's Bill of Rights Fri, 23 Sep 2011 15:31:00 EST One year after the Affordable Care Act's Patient's Bill of Rights took effect, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released a report summarizing some of the achievements of the health reform law. In the eighteen months since the president signed the Affordable Care Act into law, health reform has had a tangible effect in the lives of millions of Americans. High Fees Seen as Main Cause of Higher Overall Spending on Physician Services in U.S. Thu, 22 Sep 2011 09:13:00 EST A new study comparing fees for physician services in the United States with those in five other nations finds that U.S. physicians are paid more per service than doctors in other countries�as much as double in some cases. HHS awards Affordable Care Act funds for organizations to become community health centers Sat, 17 Sep 2011 12:02:00 EST Today's awards fund several community-based entities seeking to provide a more comprehensive range of primary health care services and/or expand their services to the larger community. These include seven organizations traditionally focused on Tribal/Urban Indian health, five targeting mental health services, four geared toward HIV/AIDS services, three focused on faith-based initiatives, and one senior center. Physician Assistant Workforce in the United States Reaches Record High Sat, 17 Sep 2011 12:07:00 EST The American Academy of Physician Assistants today released its 2010 Census Report and Salary Report. These documents provide data revealing that, even in a down economy, the profession continues to grow rapidly and reward PAs professionally and personally. HHS awards Affordable Care Act funds for organizations to become community health centers Sat, 17 Sep 2011 13:48:00 EST Today's awards fund several community-based entities seeking to provide a more comprehensive range of primary health care services and/or expand their services to the larger community. These include seven organizations traditionally focused on Tribal/Urban Indian health, five targeting mental health services, four geared toward HIV/AIDS services, three focused on faith-based initiatives, and one senior center. More Hospitals Offering Complementary and Alternative Medicine Services Thu, 8 Sep 2011 21:41:00 EST Hospitals across the nation are responding to patient demand and integrating complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) services with the conventional services they normally provide, according to the results of a new survey released today by Health Forum, a subsidiary of the American Hospital Association (AHA) and Samueli Institute, a non-profit research organization that investigates healing oriented practices. Smokers are smoking less Tue, 6 Sep 2011 14:01:00 EST Fewer American adults are smoking cigarettes, according to a new Vital Signs report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Also, daily smokers are smoking fewer cigarettes each day, it says. State-federal review of health insurance rate increases begins, double-digit price hikes must be justified Sat, 3 Sep 2011 21:43:00 EST Today, health insurers seeking to increase their rates by 10 percent or more must submit their request to state or federal reviewers to determine whether they are reasonable or not. This rate review program, created by the Affordable Care Act, will bring greater transparency, accountability, and, in many cases, lower costs for families and small business owners who struggle to afford coverage. HHS awards $137 million to states to boost prevention and public health Sun, 4 Sep 2011 22:11:00 EST HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius today awarded up to $137 million, partly supported by the Affordable Care Act, to states to strengthen the public health infrastructure and provide jobs in core areas of public health. Study links low DHA levels to suicide risk among U.S. military personnel Sun, 28 Aug 2011 16:46:00 EST A new study suggests that low levels of the highly unsaturated omega-3 essential fatty acids, in particular DHA, may be associated with increased risk of suicide. Researchers at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USU) and the National Institute of Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse (NIAAA) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) drew this finding following analysis of a large random sampling of suicide deaths among U.S. military personnel on active-duty between 2002 and 2008. Roy Upton to Receive American Society of Pharmacognosy Award for Lifetime Achievement Sun, 21 Aug 2011 19:08:00 EST On August 16, 2011 the American Society of Pharmacognosy (ASP) announced the selection of Roy Upton, RH, DAy, as the 2012 winner of the Varro. E. Tyler award. The award will be presented at the annual meeting of the ASP, scheduled for July 28-August 1, 2012 in New York City.