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 Citizens for Health Endorses Health Freedom Protection Act 
by Citizens For Health - 1/24/2006
WASHINGTON D.C. - Citizens for Health, the national grassroots advocacy organization committed to protecting and expanding natural health choices, today announced they are urging all members of Congress to support H.R. 4282, the Health Freedom Protection Act. They have joined the Coalition to End FDA and FTC Censorship.

The bill would end FDA and FTC censorship of truthful nutrient-disease treatment information while keeping in place existing federal statutory provisions against fraud. FDA currently prohibits all claims that a food or a dietary ingredient treats a disease, regardless of the scientific support for the claim. The bill ends that practice and would allow science supported treatment claims to enter the market.

"Citizens for Health is sending Congress a clear message: America demands an alternative to dependency on costly drugs,” said Jonathan Emord, Coalition to End FDA and FTC Censorship Chairman. “They have joined us in this fight to allow Americans nationwide the right to receive truthful nutrient treatment information, information that can save lives, reduce pain and suffering, and extend longevity."

Citizens for Health was formed by a group of ordinary people who believed that good health is a right. The national nonprofit consumer advocacy group works to broaden health care options, create an integrative health system based on wellness, and advance the freedom to make health choices. Over 120 million Americans regularly use dietary supplements, eat organic foods or visit alternative medical practitioners. Collectively, they represent the largest, yet-unorganized consumer movement in the country. For more information, visit

The Coalition to End FDA and FTC Censorship was founded in 2005 by Jonathan Emord, author of H.R. 4282, The Health Freedom Protection Act, in response to FDA censorship of nutrient-disease treatment information. The Coalition consists of 15 members of Congress, 99 dietary supplement companies, public interest groups and supplement distributors. Its mission is to see H.R. 4282 passed in Congress.

Introduced November 9, 2005, the bill is pending before the House Energy and Commerce Committee. For more information, visit

Provided by Citizens For Health on 1/24/2006
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