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 Water Exercise Therapy:An Introduction to the New Wave : Water Exercise Therapy:
An Introduction to the New Wave

Sample Exercises

Basic Water Movements- Warm-up

  • Power Walk
  • Deep Water Running

Basic Arm Movements

  • Lateral Arms
  • Lateral Raise/behind

Chest/Upper Back Exercises

  • Pectoral Flys
  • Horizontal Circles

Basic Leg Exercises

  • Leg Extension/Flexion
  • Leg Kicks

Water IS the training tool in the evolution of exercise. Its application to decondtioned and medical participants is almost universal. As more and more people become aware of water programs, and more of these programs become part of the health care contiuum of treatment, their use will expand even more.


1. Beasley, RL. Aquatic Exercise. Sports Medicine Digest. pp. 1-3, Jan. 1989.
2. Bishop, PA, Frazier, S. Smith, J. Physiologic responses to treadmill and water running. Physician and Sportsmedicine. 17:87-94, 1989.
3. Chappell, M. Therapy: The aquatic solution. Aquatics. pp. 24-29, Nov. 1989.
4. Cole, A.J. Moschetti, M., Eagleston, R.E. Getting backs into swim. Rehab Management. Aug./Sept. pg. 63-71, 1992.
5. Cole, A.J. Spine pain: aquatic rehabilitation strategies. Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation. 4:4:273-86, Oct. 1994.
6. Koxzuta, LE, From sweats to swimsuits: Is water exercise the wave of the future? Physician and Sportsmedicine. 17;4:203-206, 1989.
7. Knopf, K., Fleck, L., Martin, MM. Water Workouts. 2nd edition. Hunter Books, San Jose, 1992.
8. McWaters, G. Deep water exercise during pregnancy. AKWA Letter. 1;2:3, 1987.
9. Mitchell, T. The use of props in water exercise for muscle conditioning. AKWA Letter. 3;1:6, 1989.
10. Sova, R. Heart rates in aquatic exercise. IDEA Today. pg. 9, 1990.
11. Sova, R. Aquatics Activities Handbook. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Boston. 1993.
12. Triggs, M. Orthopedic aquatic therapy. Clinical Management. 11;30-31, 1991.
13. Vickery, S.R., Cureton, K.J., Langstaff, J.L. Heart rate and energy expenditure during aqua dynamics. Physician and Sports Medicine. 11;3:67-72, 1983.

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 About The Author
Eric Durak received his Master of Science degree from the University of Michigan in 1986. His research experience is in the application of exercise for special population groups, such as diabetes, high risk pregnancy,......more
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