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 Fibromyalgia: Understanding and Treating Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia (Part 2) 

Physical and laboratory findings
Dr Jessop reported the following symptoms and findings as well amongst her 1324 patients, average age 39, 75% of whom were female.

Elevated temperature10%
Normal temperature25%
Subnormal temperature65%#
Low blood pressure86%
Yeast infections
(tongue or mouth)
Tender thyroid40%
White spots on nails85%*
Tender neck muscles91%
FMS tender spots86%
Abdominal tenderness80%
Swollen lymph nodes18%
# Possibly indicating under active thyroid function
* These white flecks are thought to relate to zinc deficiency
  • 82% of 880 patients specifically tested had yeast cultured from purged stool samples.
  • 30% had parasites in their purged stool samples.
  • 38% were found to be deficient in magnesium using a three day loading test and two 24 hour urine samples.
  • 32% had low zinc levels using blood tests (she believes sweat analysis is more accurate but this is not easy to use in an office practice)

Dr.Jessop stated that her patients reported that a number of classical disturbances and symptoms existed well before the onset of their CFS/FMS symptoms.

For example:

  • 89% had irritable bowel symptoms before their FMS/CFS
  • 80% had ‘constant gas’ or bloating before their FMS/CFS
  • 58% had constipation before their FMS/CFS
  • 40% reported heartburn before their FMS/CFS
  • 89% reported recurrent childhood ear,nose, throat infections
  • 40% had a history of recurrent sinusitis
  • 30% recurrent bronchitis
  • 20% recurrent bladder infections
  • 90% of the females had premenstrual symptoms prior to onset of current illness
  • 65% reported endometriosis before their FMS/CFS
  • 30% had dysmenorrhoea before their FMS/CFS
  • 22% had generalised anxiety disorders prior to their illness

Sleep problems were present in just 1% of her patients before CFS/FMS and over 90% after its onset.

As will be shown in subsequent articles, sleep is a key feature of this condition and restoration of normal sleep is vital in recovery.

1. Yunus M. Fibromyalgia and other functional syndromes’ Journal of Rheumatology 16(sup 19)69 1989

2. Moldofsky H. Fibromyalgia, sleep disorder and chronic fatigue syndrome Ciba Foundation Symposium 173 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome p 262-270 1993

3. Goldenberg D. Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and myofascial pain syndrome. Current Opinion in Rheumatology 5:199-208 1993

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 About The Author
Leon Chaitow ND, DO, MROA practicing naturopath, osteopath, and acupuncturist in the United Kingdom, with over forty years clinical experience, Chaitow is Editor-in-Chief, of the ...more
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