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 Emotional Health: Setting Goals: Does Working Hard Really Work?  

Always allow for the unexpected. What if someone gives you a large amount of money? What if you win the lottery? There are so many things that could happen to allow that goal to come into your awareness.

Word it in either courageousness, or acceptance, or peace.
"I allow myself to..." or "I can..." is a good way to start a goal in courageousness. "I have... " is a good way to start a goal in acceptance. And "I am..." is a good way to start a goal in peace. We've talked a lot about the "I allow myself to...," which is a very good way of wording a goal.

If you're not in courageousness about a particular topic, getting into courageousness is already a great step forward. And you can always reword the goal later to raise the energy even higher to acceptance or peace. Allow the mind to start using its creativity to start generating possibilities of how this goal can happen."

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Hale Dwoskin is CEO of Sedona Training Associates and author of Happiness is Free...And It's Easier Than You Think!, and #1 Bestseller.
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