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Which of the following is an antioxidant?
Vitamin E
Vitamin B

 Herbal Materia Medica: Raspberry  
Rubus idaeus


Habitat: Cultivated in most temperate countries.

Collection: The leaves may be collected throughout the growing season.Dry slowly in a well-ventilated area to ensure proper preservation ofproperties.

Part Used: Leaves and fruit.


  • Polypeptides
  • Flavonoids, mainly glycosides of kaempferol and quercitin.
  • Tannins
  • Fruit sugar
  • Volatile oil
  • Pectin
  • Citric acid
  • Malicacid.
Actions: Astringent, tonic, parturient.

Indications: Raspberry leaves have a long tradition of use in pregnancy to strengthen and tone the tissue of the womb, assisting contractions and checking any haemorrhage during labour. As an astringent it may be used in awide range of cases, including diarrhoea, leucorrhoea and other loose conditions. It is valuable in the easing of mouth problems such as mouth ulcers, bleeding gums and inflammations. As a gargle it will help sore throats. Raspberry is also very rich in iron and calcium.

Preparations & Dosage: Infusion: pour a cup of boiling water onto 2 teaspoonfuls of the dried herb and let infuse for l0-l5 minutes. This may be drunk freely.

Tincture: take 2-4 ml of the tincture three times a day.

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 About The Author
David Hoffmann BSc (Hons), MNIMHWhilst working in conservation and lecturing in ecology and the eco-crisis for the University of Wales, David Hoffman became convinced that to heal the world, to embrace planetary wholeness and responsibility for it......more
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