Strategy #11: Let there be light. Light has been found to affect brain chemicals in a way that reduces depressive states. Try lifting the shades in your home, opening windows, turning on brighter lights, and wearing lighter and brighter clothing.
Strategy #12: Get out of here. Consider "travel therapy." Changing your routine, going on a vacation, and adding a little adventure to your life is often therapeutic.
Strategy #13: Write on! Keeping a journal of your thoughts, feelings, and experiences provides a wonderful catharsis. Writing can also help you come to a better understanding of your depression, which may help lift its veil so that you can better understand and appreciate yourself and your experience.
Strategy #14: Draw it out of you. Draw or paint what you are feeling. Not only will it feel good to do this, you may even get a valuable work of art out of it.
Strategy #15: Let it rain! If the tears are there, cry! Don't bottle up your feelings. Tears contain chemicals that need to be released.
Strategy #16: Flowers can help. Yes, flowers often make a person feel appreciated, but in addition to giving or getting flowers, flowers can also be used therapeutically. The Bach Flower Remedies are 38 flowers that British physician Edward Bach discovered to be beneficial for various emotional states. Dr. Bach found Sweet Chestnut, Mustard, and Crab Apple to be most useful for treating depression. These flower products are often available at health food stores.
Strategy #17: Pamper yourself. Give yourself time to appreciate yourself and life. Take a hot bath. Relax in a comfortable place. Listen to beautiful music. Get a massage. Take a walk in nature or any place that feels good to you. Read a good, uplifting book. . Re-read this chapter!
Copyright 1991 by Dana Ullman, M.P.H. used by permission of the author from
the book The One Minute or So Healer: 500 Quick And Simple Ways to Heal Yourself
Naturally published by Jeremy P. Tarcher/Putnam.
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