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Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop (1989 Sep) 96(3):199-207Harkrader RJ Reinhart PC Rogers JA Jones RR Wylie RE 2d Lowe BK McEvoy RMThe history, chemistry and pharmacokinetics of Sanguinaria extract.

J Can Dent Assoc (1990) 56(7 Suppl):7-12Harper DS Mueller LJ Fine JB Gordon J Laster LL Effect of 6 months use of a dentifrice and oral rinse containing sanguinaria extract and zinc chloride upon the microflora of the dental plaque and oral soft tissues.

J Periodontol (1990 Jun) 61(6):359-63Harper DS Mueller LJ Fine JB Gordon J Laster LL Clinical efficacy of a dentifrice and oral rinse containing sanguinaria extract and zinc chloride during 6 months of use.

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David Hoffmann BSc (Hons), MNIMHWhilst working in conservation and lecturing in ecology and the eco-crisis for the University of Wales, David Hoffman became convinced that to heal the world, to embrace planetary wholeness and responsibility for it......more
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