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Healthy Update is a bi-monthly electronic newsletter from HealthWorld Online providing you the latest information, news and resources from the world of natural health, integrative medicine and Self-Managed Care™. All summaries in Healthy Update link to full articles or expanded resources and services in HealthWorld Online:

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Year-End Report Finds Continuing Progress in Role of Vitamin E Against Disease, Memory Loss in Elderly
A year-end summary of Vitamin E research shows continued findings that Vitamin E is playing an important role in helping protect against a number of diseases and illnesses, including new studies on cataracts, weakened arteries in middle-aged men and women, and memory problems in the elderly.

National Nutritional Foods Association Asks FDA for Stronger Oversight of Genetically Modified Foods
A natural products trade group today filed a Citizen Petition with the Food and Drug Administration asking that the agency strengthen its evaluation process of genetically modified foods before allowing them to be sold. The National Nutritional Foods Association, which represents the interests of retailers and manufacturers of dietary supplements, natural foods and other products, was critical of the FDA's current policy that essentially treats genetically engineered foods the same as conventional varieties.

Study Finds Daily Supplement of Vitamin C Can Significantly Reduce High Blood Pressure
Researchers have discovered that a 500 milligram daily supplement of vitamin C can significantly reduce high blood pressure in hypertensive patients.

The study, published this month in the medical journal Lancet, was done by scientists at the Boston University School of Medicine and the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University. It was supported by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute of the National Institutes of Health. "Hypertension is a serious health problem in much of the world,&qot; said Balz Frei, professor and director of the Linus Pauling Institute, and a co-author of the research along with principal investigator Dr. Joseph Vita at Boston University. "It's a key risk factor in heart disease and strokes."

Two Studies Add to the Growing Evidence That Green Tea Is Beneficial for Health, According to the Public Information Committee of the ASNS/ASCN
Green tea contains high concentrations of antioxidants that have known protective effects. Green tea has received a lot of attention lately, as scientists begin to identify its benefits in warding off heart disease, cancer, obesity, and other illnesses.

Two new studies published in December 1999 add to the growing evidence that green tea is more than just a tasty beverage. The studies suggest that increasing consumption of green tea -- either through increased beverage intake or adding a dietary supplement to a healthy diet -- can trigger biochemical mechanisms that affect our health.

To keep up-to-date with news in the world of health and medicine, visit our Daily Health News.

Mind Over Matter
As we prepare to turn the next page, a thousand year chapter will forever be sealed in the archives of the history of mankind. The blank pages ahead are awaiting our inscription; stories, insights and choices that will mark a transition in our evolution as a society. The question we now face is, "How will our actions, intentions and their reverberations affect our future?" In "Consciousness: Communications Technology and the New Millennium" Barry Bittman, M.D. shows us the need to move past traditional boundaries, to share information and to join forces represents a major paradigm shift that will usher in the new millennium not as a technological era, but rather as an age of collective consciousness focused on the betterment of mankind.

Dr. Galland's Integrated Medicine
The holidays are upon us and many of us are already worrying about the effects of stress from last minute shopping and family gatherings as well as the weight gain from too many parties and heavy traditional holiday meals. However, there is a way to safeguard your health this holiday season according to Leo Galland, M.D., in his latest column, "Five Steps to a Happier and Healthier Holiday Season." The five steps are : Step One: Tame the Munch Monster; Step Two: Find the Diet Style that Works for You!; Step Three: Use Nutritional Supplements to Help You Stay Healthy This Winter; Step Four: Prepare Healthy Party Foods; and Step Five: "The Y2K Detox Plan." This is a must read, as Dr. Galland offers a world of invaluable tips for staying healthy and hearty through the holidays and into the new millennium.

Keeping Fit with Dr. Wayne Westcott
It is reported that the average American experiences a 7-pound weight gain between Thanksgiving and New Year's, then spends the next several weeks trying to lose as much of the excess as possible. In "Survival Strategies For The Holiday Season" Wayne L. Wescott, Ph.D. offers us twelve strategies to avoid weight gain that apply to the holiday season - and the months that follow.

Mind Body Health Newsletter
Imagine the world without pleasure. Life would appear colorless and humorless. Human beings evolved to seek enjoyment to enhance survival. Yet, at nearly every turn pleasure has gotten a bad name. People are almost phobic about having fun. In "Healthy Pleasures" David S. Sobel, M.D. reminds us that worrying too much about anything - including calories, salt, cancer, and cholesterol - can rob our life of vitality, and that living optimistically, with pleasure, zest, and commitment enriches if not lengthens life.

To read all of our bi-monthly columns visit Columns from the Experts

"Frontier Science" with Beverly Rubik. Ph.D.
Beverly Rubik is a leading spokesperson for research in consciousness studies, subtle energies, and alternative and complementary medicine, frontier areas that challenge the dominant biomedical paradigm. In this interview with Dr. Daniel Redwood, Dr. Rubik discusses the limitations of the mechanistic worldview underlying conventional medicine and the emerging research that may constitute the basis of a more inclusive paradigm. In particular, she feels it essential that health researchers and practitioners consider the role of energy flows in living systems rather than limiting their purview to molecular biochemistry. Moreover, she believes the new paradigm must take into account recent research on the role of the mind in healing (including healing at a distance). (Interviewed by Daniel Redwood, D.C.)

To read more interviews visit Interviews on the Leading Edge

Children's Health Update
Within the decade after penicillin was discovered in 1928, antibiotics were seen as wonder drugs able to wipe out many potentially fatal bacterial infections. Unfortunately, the most infectious bacteria have changed their genetic makeup, developing resistance and keeping pace with the invention of newer and more powerful antibiotics. In "Antibiotics: Sensible Use or Abuse?" Michael Traub, N.D. offers parents the Naturopathic Medicine alternative approach using safer and less toxic natural antibiotics.

Men's Health Update
Dana Ullman, MPH, internationally recognized expert in homeopathy discusses the homeopathic approach to common men's health problems including sexually transmitted diseases, impotence, urethritis and bladder infections, prostate problems, and testicular problems in his article "Men's Health Problems."

Healthy Recipes
Do you have trouble finding recipes to match special dietary needs? You will love this exciting new feature created by Danish chef Oscar Umahro Cadogan, who brings you tasty recipes for food that is highly nourishing and healing, and omits many of the ingredients troublesome for people with allergies and other restrictive conditions. Umahro's debut recipe is "Super Salad", a magnificent salad with bite and gusto.

Health Bookstore
HealthWorld Online is proud that one of our Advisors has published the first textbook of nutritional medicine for medical schools. This is an important medical publication as we enter a new millennium. Author Melvyn R. Werbach designed "Textbook of Nutritional Medicine" for health practitioners, students, and other professionals who wish to keep abreast of our knowledge of how diet and nutrients influence the course of illness. It is based on the extensive knowledge of the scientific literature which made the Werbach Sourcebooks of Clinical Research internationally famous.

Professional Referral Network
The Professional Referral Network contains searchable directories from 20 leading professional associations in complementary and integrative health care, with over 20,000 professionals. Looking for a healthcare professional specializing in eye care? The Vision Care/Vision Training section includes the Optometric Extension Program Foundation member database.

Medical Cybrarian Research Service
Frustrated as you wade through all of the data you bring up with your Internet searches? You can hire a professional who can do this fast and efficiently, save you all of the hassle, and most likely find important information you overlooked. The HealthWorld Online Medical Cybrarian has thousands of the best web sites already bookmarked. She searches the Internet and and other databases, providing you with information on diseases, treatments (alternative and/or mainstream), drugs, statistics, and patient information that is summarized for your research needs. For reasonable fees this Cybrarian carefully gathers and selects bibliographic citations, points you to useful web sites, and annotates or summarizes pages or documents that would be useful to you.

Participate in our Online Community--Join our Discussion Forums
The issue of genetically modified foods is quickly becoming a key issue among consumers in the U.S. as has long been the case in the United Kingdom and Europe. Add your voice to increase public awareness.

Join in the ongoing discussion in our "Health Freedom," "The Vaccination Question," "Genetically Modified Foods," "Issues in Integrated Health Care," "Mind-Body-Spirit Health," and "Qigong and Taiji" forums.

Association Network -- Hot Pick
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) works to promote disease prevention through education programs that show the importance of healthy eating and lifestyle for good health. Their Cancer Project has information on foods for cancer prevention as well as healthy eating suggestions for post diagnosis. PCRM also does clinical research and promotes alternatives to animal experiments in research and education.

Visit Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine

Global Health Calendar -- Hot Picks

30th Annual Northeast Vision Conference
January 19-20, 2000
Northampton, MA USA
Contact: Optometric Extension Program Foundation - 949-250-8070

Psychosynthesis Conference
Speakers from all over North America
January 22, 2000
Contact: Psychosynthesis International and Association for the Advancement of Psychosynthesis - 661-945-7928

Partnerships for Health in the New Millennium
A joint meeting of the Healthy People Consortium and Partnerships for Networked Consumer Health Information, launching Healthy People 2010
January 24-28, 2000
Washington, DC USA
Contact: U.S. DHHS, Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion - 301-468-1273

Integrative Breathwork - with Jacquelyn Small
An Evolutionary Tool for Personal and Planetary Transformation
February 4-6, 2000
Austin, TX USA
Contact: Eupsychia Institute - 800-546-2795

Nutraceuticals/ Functional Foods
February 20-24, 2000
College Station, TX USA
Contact: Texas A & M University - 409-845-2749

The Second World Conference of Nutrition and Vitamin Therapy and New Medicine Exposition
Focus on New Medicine
February 20-22, 2000
San Francisco, CA USA
Contact: Nutritional Medicine - 510-845-0700

Natural Health, Aromatherapy and Herb Trade Show
February 25-27, 2000
Scottsdale, AZ USA
Contact: The International Aromatherapy and Herb Association - 602-938-4439

Journeys of Discovery-Unique Travel presents Swim with the Humpback Whales in the Caribbean An outer Discovery adventure--an inner journey for the soul, a Personal Transformational Journey
February 26-March 4, 2000
Silver Banks, Puerto Plata DOMINICAN REPUBLIC
Contact: - 888-888-0717

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Editor, Healthy Update: James Strohecker

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