Breast Cancer?
More than three-quarters of women who get breast cancer are over whtat age?
Healthy Update Newsletter -
Healthy Update
Your Home for Healthy Living |
April 21, 2008 - Vol. XVIII, Issue 14
Healthy Update provides the latest news, expert articles and resources on wellness, healthy living, and integrative medicine. A weekly service of HealthWorld Online since 1997.
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A Second Opinion on Health You Can Trust & Use With Confidence
What Doctors Don't Tell You is a monthly journal that gives you the knowledge you need to lead a healthy life. It is s the complete review of health problems and safer, proven ways of treating them - what works and what doesn't work in conventional and complementary/alternative medicine (CAM). WDDTY's in-depth research and insights have earned the highest praise from all over the world. National newspapers have described it as "the best health journal in the world".
And now it's available for immediate download for just $29.95 a year, a savings of over 75% on the print subscription. Take out an annual subscription, and you'll receive the next 12 issues straight to your PC as
a downloadable PDF file. Serving your health needs since 1989. Subscribe in April and receive the current issue with a special report about health authorities deliberately covering up the truth about MMR vaccine dangers.
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Statement on Conflict-of-Interest in Medicine and April 16 JAMA articles
Consumers Union has issued a statement calling on drug companies and doctors to cease the practice of "ghostwriting" in medical journals. This is in response to articles appearing in the April 16, 2008 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association. The articles involve conflicts of interest in medicine and a detailed accounting of publications concerning the prescription pain reliever Vioxx between 1996 and 2004. Vioxx was removed from the market in September 2004. View more
Children in Hospital: 11 per cent will have a drug reaction How safe are our children in hospital? Not very, it seems, with 11 per cent who are given a drug suffering a serious adverse reaction. The real dangers are far higher than official figures had suggested, and have been discovered only because researchers developed a more complete, and sensitive, way of detecting drug reactions. View more
'Killer' Vitamins: It's bad science, but everyone believes it
So are you about to die if you take an antioxidant vitamin supplement, such as A, C and E? A study that has been pounced on by the world’s media suggests you may. It says that not only do the vitamins not make you healthier or help you live longer, they may even shorten your life. View more
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news in the world of health and medicine, visit Healthy News and the Healthy News
Summer Certification Classes Begin June 9
The Summer Wellness Inventory Certification Trainings begin on the week of June 9 and run for 8 weeks through the end of July. The training will be conducted as a live phone teleclass.
The goal of the certification training is to create competence in delivering the Wellness Inventory (, a holistic assessment and life-balance program, to individual, group, and organizational clients. The training also focuses on the participants own personal development. Developed for wellness coaches, health practitioners, spa professionals, and wellness professionals, the training is approved by the International Coach Federation for 20 CCEUs. Classes Monday and Thursday evenings. Payment plans available. View testimonials from graduates.
For more information contact Jim Strohecker at 310-823-9553 or [email protected], or visit
Continuing our Wellness Journey - Thinking
This week our journey focuses on the power of THINKING, the 7th of 12 keys to wellness drawn from the Wellness Inventory whole person assessment program. This stage of the journey relates thinking to physical and mental health, and offers some creative options for using thinking to improve your wellbeing. View more
Simply Well - Lighten Up with Humor, Play, and Pleasure
Recent studies indicate that humor is an effective stress reducer and that
it may actually increase antibody production, which means a stronger immune system. In "Lighten Up with Humor, Play, and Pleasure" John W. Travis, M.D., M.P.H., offers you some delightful options for taking a seriousness break and encourages you to schedule time for doing something fun or for just doing nothing. View more
Peak Vitality - "Belief is Magic"
"Peak Vitality: Raising the Threshold of the Abundance in Our Material, Spiritual, and Emotional Lives is a poignant reminder that wholeness is our natural birthright, and that by aligning with this inner wholeness we can tap into unlimited abundance and vitality," according to Peak Vitality editor, Jeanne House. We just need to make it a habit of living from the inside out. It is simply a choice: To Be or Not to Be, to live from this inner vitality – or not. Aristotle called this inner vitality our quintessence; Paracelsus called it quicksilver. In our time, we sought out after 54 experts and leaders in their fields to give us the their take on this magical elixir called vitality and how to have more of it. Imagine if you had the most advanced information on how to tap into this inner resource, (our own fountain of youth), from every expert. Well now you can by purchasing the book in our store...
Read Jeanne's chapter, "Belief is Magic" Order Peak Vitality
The Power to Heal is in Your Hands
If you've felt the power of Reiki and want to broaden your experience, you
now have the most extensive resource available for strengthening your practice of this extraordinary healing art. With The Reiki Touch, Reiki master William Lee Rand combines the advantages of video, audio, reference
cards, and written instruction to provide a comprehensive set of tools for uncovering Reiki‚s most potent secrets. From mastering the fundamental hand positions for healing to using the advanced techniques of Byósen scanning and Gyoshi ho (sending Reiki through the eyes), Rand provides the essential keys to Reiki for beginners and advanced practitioners alike.
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Could Your Mind Be Keeping You Fat?
Our newsletter provides the information you need to help you lose pound after pound of unwanted fat. But here's one trick to achieving optimal weight: You have to follow the program. An article in The Journal of Family Practice (June 2006) suggests doctors recommend hypnosis for this issue. We wholeheartedly agree. Read more about the hypnosis program we recommend most. View More
Women's Health Detective: Inflammation - The Silent Killer (Part One) - Nan Fuchs, Ph.D.
Recent studies are pointing to chronic inflammation as being a major risk factor for heart disease. Unfortunately, because inflammation can be painless it frequently goes undetected. In "Inflammation – The Silent Killer (Part One)" Nan Kathryn Fuchs, Ph.D. notes that diet is better than drugs, but some foods reduce inflammation while others promote it. If you suspect you have chronic inflammation anywhere in your body, talk with your doctor about a blood test that measures the levels of a particular protein called C-reactive protein (CRP). View more
Holistic Healthcare for Children - Treating Reflux (Gerd) In Infants - Randall Neustaedter, O.M.D.
Impaired digestive function is one of the most common problems of the first three to six months of life. Although many infants grow out of these symptoms on their own as the digestive tract matures, in "Treating Reflux (Gerd) In Infants" Randall Neustaedter, O.M.D. offers parents several forms of treatment that can soothe the symptoms and normalize the digestive function of their infants.
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Integrator Blog - Outcomes in Integrative Care That Will Intrigue Patients and Clinicians
You may not think research is your cup of tea - until you review the kinds of research surveys in the Outcomes Database recently developed by the Interdisciplinary Network for Complementary and Alternative Medicine Research (IN-CAM). This excellent compendium will capture the imagination of anyone who is curious about what goes on in integrative practice. View more
"The Integrator Blog" offers News, Reports, Opinions and Networking for the Business, Education, Policy and Practice of Integrative Medicine, CAM and Integrative Health Care, from Publisher/Editor John Weeks.
Find a Mind/Body Medicine Practitioner Looking for a practitioner specializing in dentistry? Search the Dentistry section which includes the Holistic Dental Association member database in HealthWorld's Find a Practitioner Network. The network contains searchable directories with over 17,000 professionals from 20 leading professional
associations in complementary/alternative and integrative medicine. Find Holistic Dentists
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The Desktop Guide to Herbal Medicine - Briggite Mars
Herbal medicine has been with us since the beginning, one of the many aspects of humankind's symbiotic relationship with the natural world. It is the most time-yested healing tradition in the world, having evolved over hundreds of thousands of years in disparate regions and diverse cultures. In "The Desktop Guide to Herbal Medicne," renowned herbalist Brigitte Mars offers a concise, comprehensive guide to the vast array of medicinal herbs that are now commonly available in North America.
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Bookstore Home
Mind Power Rx - Optimal Mind Support
Developed by Ray Sahelian, M.D., bestselling author of Mind Boosters:
Natural Supplements that Enhance Your Mind, Memory, and Mood, Mind Power Rx helps improve mental alertness and wakefulness along with boosting mental stamina. Many people notice being more focused and able to concentrate better. The dozen or more herbs and nutrients found in Mind Power Rx support neurotransmitter function, improve blood flow to the brain, support enzymatic and metabolic function in nerve cells, and act as neuronal antioxidants. If you have tried single brain nutrients or combinations that left you unsatisfied, overstimulated, or on edge and restless, it is time you do yourself a favor and try Mind Power Rx, a highly popular and respected, doctor-formulated formula with 18 different herbs and nutrients balanced delicately to provide smooth and healthy mind support. View more.
Nutrition Tips - Elson Haas, MD
Seeds are the potential for new life that are grown as part of a plant and in some way reach the earth to carry on their species. In "Seeds" Elson M. Haas, M.D. selects three seeds (pumpkin, sesame, and sunflower) and shows how these are high-protein foods, with even more protein than grains. He outlines the nutritional value of seeds, plus cooking and storage tips.
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Vegetarian Recipes
Physician's Committee for Responsible Medicine offers you a vegetarian
recipe for "Orange and Black-Eyed Pea Salad."
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Ask Dr. Orloff About Intuitive Healing
We all have a choice about our health. In "Step One of Intuitive Healing: Notice Your Beliefs" Judith Orloff, M.D. reminds us that our mind and body are linked by an intricate intuitive circuitry. Notice the pattern of any recurring beliefs or emotions that occur before an illness. They may well be premonitions. We need to be aware of our thinking, notice when fear takes over, and begin to reprogram our thoughts.
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Mind Over Matter
"Healing" means "to make sound or whole, or to restore to health." It also
refers to causing an undesirable condition to be overcome. In the context of mind-body medicine, what affects the mind clearly and indistinguishably affects the body and visa versa. In "Healing: An Individual Perspective" Barry Bittman, M.D. points out our tendency to ignore what is really bothering us. He urges us to better deal with the issues that stress us. Take time to stop and contemplate the way we really feel. Get in touch with our feelings. Ask ourselves whether it's the issue or our perspective that's causing us pain.
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Living with Intention
with Lynne McTaggart
'Living with Intention' is the first of a series of workshops being held by Lynne McTaggart, author of bestsellers The Field and The Intention Experiment. The workshops bring together the latest discoveries of quantum physics with spiritual practices in an exciting new synthesis for conscious living. They will teach you how to harness the power of intention in your everyday life and become your own master of intention.
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Wellness Inventory Certification Training - Spring Intensives
The Wellness Inventory Certification Training Intensive is a comprehensive weekend program that accelerates your own personal growth process, offering you an opportunity to make real changes in your life, while providing competence in delivering the Wellness Inventory assessment and life-balance program. The intensive provides a unique coaching skill-set to maximize the program's effectiveness in helping your clients change their lives. Weekend intensives are offered in Asheville, North Carolina April 13-15, and May 11-13, 2008.
For more information contact: 310-823-9553 or [email protected]. Or click here
Imagery, Suggestion, and Mind/Mind Medicine - Conference Webcast
Academy for Guided Imagery in co-operation with 20 other co-sponsoring organizations, including the Wellness Inventory, present "Imagery, Suggestion, and Mind/Body Medicine: 2008." This historic conference will be held as an online webcast that will first reach an international audience on May 15-18, 2008. Presenters include many HealthWorld advisory board members and contributors Kenneth R. Pelletier, PhD, MD(hc); James S. Gordon, MD; Martin Rossman, MD; David S. Sobel, MD, MPH, Daniel J. Benor, MD, Eric Peper, PhD; David E. Bresler, PhD, LAc; Hyla Cass, MD; as well as Effie Poy Yew Chow, PhD, RN, LAc; Jeanne Achterberg, PhD; Dennis Jaffe, PhD; Stanley Krippner, PhD; Dean Ornish, MD; and (hopefully) Andrew Weil, among others.
Healthy Update subscribers are eligible for a 10% discount off conference registration fees when they enter our Co-Sponsor Discount Code - WIN0508.
For more information click here
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Authority on Integrative Medicine
Featured Events
Living with Intention Workshops
Chicago, IL USA - May 16 -18, 2008
London, UK - May 31-June 1, 2008
Portland/Vancouver, Washington USA August 8-10, 2008
Boston/Cape Cod USA - October 31-Nov 2, 2008
Organization: Living The Field
Contact: [email protected] or by phone (International +44 870 444 9886)
'Living with Intention' is the first of a series of workshops being held by Lynne McTaggart, author of bestsellers The Field and The Intention Experiment. The workshops bring together the latest discoveries of quantum physics with spiritual practices in an exciting new synthesis for conscious living. They will teach you how to harness the power of intention in your everyday life and become your own master of intention.
Upcoming Health & Wellness Events
The National Conference on Healthcare Consumerism
Las Vegas, NV USA
May 4-7, 2008
Organization: Consumer Health World - 804-266-7422 x7408
6th Annual Integrative Medicine for Health Care Organizations Conference
Phoenix, AZ USA
May 15-17, 2008
Organization: Health Forum - 312-893-6897
18th Annual ISSSEEM Conference
Boulder, CO USA
June 19-26, 2008
Contact: The International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine - 303-425-4625
National Wellness Conference
Stevens Point, WI USA
June 12-17, 2008
Contact: National Wellness Institute - 800-243-8694
Open Your Heart in Paradise
Two Hawaiian Retreats with Ram Dass and Friends
Hawaii (Big Island) USA
November 5-10, 2008
Hawaii (Molokai) USA
December 10-15, 2008
Contact: Ram Dass Center for Spiritual Studies - 760-228-1717
For more leading health events visit
Publisher/Executive Editor: James Strohecker, Co-founder, President, HealthWorld Online -
[email protected]
Sponsorship: If you are interested in sponsoring an issue of Healthy
Update, contact [email protected].
Suggestions & Comments: We
welcome your suggestions and comments to help us provide the highest quality and most useful
service. Email suggestions to [email protected]
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