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Healthy Update is a bi-weekly electronic newsletter from HealthWorld Online providing you the latest information, news and resources from the world of natural health. All summaries in Healthy Update link to full articles or expanded resources and services in HealthWorld Online:

To subscribe to email version of Healthy Update, send email to: [email protected] and type just the word "subscribe" in the body of the email.

HealthWorld Online Launches Cybrarian Service
Your own real life medical librarian on the Internet! HealthWorld's innovative Cybrarian Service will gather and carefully select bibliographic citations, suggest helpful URL's, and offer brief descriptions of sites or documents that would be useful to you, all for reasonable fees. You can request answers to clinical and health-related inquiries, learn how to effectively search the Internet, and find out what’s moving and shaking in the world of alternative and conventional medical practice. Visit our Cybrarian, where no health-related question is too small, no disease is too obscure, no stone goes unturned. Free services include Cybrarian Tips and News Flash.


Herb Is Found To Aid Mild Depression
A story from the Boston Globe reports that the herbal antidepressant called St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum), used by 20 million people in Europe, is effective in treating mild depression. Unlike most prescription antidepressants, St. John's Wort is cheap ($10 for a month's supply compared to $80 for a 2-4 week supply of Prozac) and has little toxicity or side effects. St. John's Wort "is probably going to be one of the biggest herbs of 1997," predicts Mark Blumenthal, executive director of the American Botanical Council, a Texas research and educational group. "It's driven not by market hype but by clinical data."

News from the Village

Children's Health Update
According to internationally recognized homeopathic expert, Dana Ullman, MPH, it is time that parents and physicians seek safe, natural and effective alternatives to conventional, potentially harmful drugs. In his article, Homeopathic Medicines for Children: Small Wonders for Our Small Wonders Ullman shows why homeopathic medicine is one such alternative and may be effective for colic, teething, hyperactivity, earaches and other physical and emotional upsets.

Women's Health Update
Herbal and nutritional supplements have long been used traditionally in treating and enhancing women's health. In her article Herbal Programs for Women's Health, Janet Zand, OMD, L.Ac. shows how premenstrual syndrome, menopause, and other difficulties can respond favorably to natural medicine, and addresses the surrounding which remedy to take, when to take it, how long it should be continued, and how to combine an herbal remedy with other nutritional supplements for maximum effectiveness.

Men's Health Update
Christopher Hobbs, L.Ac., a fourth generation herbalist, discusses the organic and mental/emotional factors leading to impotence, standard medical treatments, as well as an herbal program to help address this troubling condition among men in his article Male Herbs for Impotence. Depending upon the cause, the herbal program may include relaxing herbs, aphrodisiacs, testosterone enhancers, circulatory stimulants, adaptogens and tonics.

Nutrition Update: Interview with Nutritional Experts
Nutritional expert Mary Enig, Ph.D. discusses the harm caused by partially-hydrogenated fats that are present in processed foods in this facinating interview with Dr. Richard A. Passwater: Health Risks from Processed Foods and Trans Fats.

HealthWorld Forums
Interested in exploring the latest issues in medical freedom, regulation of alternative medicine practice by state medical boards, or the new proposal for international regulation of dietary supplements known as the UN Codex Alimentarious? Visit our Legal/Legislative Forum moderated by William Dailey, Esq.

Natural Medicine Audio Clinic
Listen to free Online Audio Tape on Naturopathic Approaches to Insomnia from the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians and Naturopathic experts, Ruth Baar-Shalom, N.D. and John Soileau, N.D.! Check out our entire Natural Medicine Audio Library--over 220 online tapes available online as a premium service through CyberCash.

Health Professional's Center
Journal of Naturopathic Medicine now online! Full text archives of the first four years (1991-1994) of the leading journal of natural medicine are now available as a premium service in our Library of Health & Medicine. Come research the leading edge articles from authorities in naturopathic medicine.

Self-Care Central Update
Tom Ferguson, M.D., pioneer of medical self-care in the United States and author of Health Online, offers his enlightening views of online health in his Keynote Presentation, A Guided Tour of Self-Help Cyberspace, from the "Partnerships for Networked Consumer Health Information" sponsored by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

New Releases in our Bookstore
Dr. Roger Jahnke's new book may be your Health Declaration of Independence! In The Healer Within: The Four Essential Self-Care Methods for Creating Optimal Health", Jahnke, a Doctor of Chinese Medicine, shows that our best health insurance and our least expensive health care is a comprehensive system of self-healing, stress mastery, and health enhancement that is easy to learn and fun to practice. And you can do it for free! In as little as ten to fifteen minutes a day you can experience instant health improvements and create long-term wellness using four simple methods from ancient healing traditions: Gentle movement, Self-applied massage, Breathing practices and Meditation.

Association Network
The National Center for Homeopathy’s mission is to promote health through homeopathy. By providing general education to the public about homeopathy, and specific education to homeopaths, the NCH helps to make homeopathy available throughout the United States. Visit the National Center for Homeopathy's web site in our Association Network to learn more about Homeopathy, access their online Directory of Homeopathic Practitioners, and their educational programs and publications.

Global Health Calendar -- Hot Pick
Las Vegas Health Show. "Maximizing Your Longevity and Quality of Life" June 9-11, 1997. Las Vegas, NV USA. Contact: ISI Shows - 800-226-0323

Today's Healthy News

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HealthWorld Online Advisory Board

Editor, Healthy Update: James Strohecker

Suggestions & Comments: We welcome your suggestions and comments to help us provide the highest quality service. If you are aware of late-breaking news or information that would be useful to our subscribers, please contact us at: [email protected]

To subscribe to email version of Healthy Update, send email to: [email protected] and type just the word "subscribe" in the body of the email.

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